Practical, informative and one of a kind: the COG O-ring product adviser

Here you will find all the answers to your questions: The COG product adviser assists you in researching the products in COG’s complex product portfolio. Enter the basic details of your requirements in the screen and receive detailed information about suitable products. You will be surprised how comprehensive our range of products is, and how easy it is to find what you are looking for.

Please select the criteria required from the drop-down menue (multiple selection is possible) and confirm your selection with "ok". After choosing all criterias needed, please confirm your choice by clicking the button "apply filters" and in no time our matching product portfolio  will shown up.

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Or do you need help with working out the correct size for your O-ring? After entering just a few parameters, our digital assistant calculates suitable ring dimensions and installation spaces in accordance with ISO 3601. You can also perform a quick search for O-rings directly here.

If you are unsure exactly what you need, please contact our application technology department. Many thanks for your interest!

Our specialists in application engineering