O-rings and seals used in the energy technology:

demanding requirements in unusual fields of application

From thermal solar systems via transformers to heat pumps: Energy technology describes a broad field. And a still broader range of applications for seals. Topics such as massive temperature fluctuations, extreme forces and contact with various different media on the one hand. Efficiency losses through energy loss on the other. The challenges too are accordingly extensive: Low gas permeability, chemical resistance to media such as antifreeze and coolants in heat pumps and a high degree of thermal flexibility are fundamental requirements.  

In short: energy technology can be explosive. But we step in with appropriate solutions.


Meeting your demands: COG’s solutions

COG’s premium materials are distinguished by extraordinary chemical and thermal resistance. Depending on the area of application, we have a wide range of high-performance compounds, which has grown to meet changing requirements in the field of energy technology. Whether EPDM, FKM or FFKM – The list of possibilities and compounds is long. The right solution depends to a large degree on operating conditions.  

So why not ask our product adviser, which product is the right one for you. Or contact our application technology department – we would be pleased to assist you with our wide range of professional expertise.

Our specialists in application engineering

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